EC POWER, established in 1996, has grown to become Europe’s leading technology producer of combined heat and power (cogeneration) plants in the 3 to 80 kWel range.
Over 10,000 XRGI® systems have already been sold in more than 27 European countries. Over 20 patents are now testament to the unique innovative strength of EC POWER and the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water e. V. (DVGW) has also certified the unique quality of XRGI® products. The Federal Association for Cogeneration e. V. (B.KWK) has already awarded the XRGI® multiple awards.
[expand title=”What is cogeneration?“]
The classic way of generating electricity is always based on the same principle: fuel is burned in a combustion engine. The rotational motion released during this process drives a generator that produces electricity, rather like a dynamo on a bicycle that generates electricity for light. Electricity production produces a large amount of heat.
Around 60% is lost converting fuel into electricity in conventional large-scale power plants. This loss is primarily due to the fact that the heat produced is discharged unused into the atmosphere or water.
Cogeneration is the simultaneous generation of electricity and useful heat. Compared to traditional large-scale power plants in which the heat produced during the generation of electricity is discharged unused to the environment, cogeneration plants, such as the XRGI®, use this waste heat for heating and therefore they save fuel and, ultimately, money.

XRGI® with patented real-time modulation
A mastermind hides behind every business success. As with the XRGI®: The intelligent iQ-Control Panel regulates the operation of the XRGI® components fully automatically – focusing on electricity, heat or tariff, depending on the operating strategy.

The iQ-Control Panel learns the consumption patterns in the property and produces intelligent user profiles. It then creates forecasts for expected consumption based on these user profiles. It continuously compares the projected consumption with the actual consumption and optimises the user profile in real time.
A combined heat and power plant produces electricity for as long as the heat produced can either be consumed or stored. With the help of its forecasts, the iQ-Control Panel then practises intelligent storage management. It makes predictions about when demand for electricity will be particularly high and compares this with the anticipated heat requirement. The iQ-Control Panel also ensures that the Storage Tank always has the maximum possible capacity free to absorb the heat produced during electricity generation.
The XRGI® achieves maximum efficiency thanks to its real-time modulation. You will be exploiting 100% of the potential of your combined heat and power plant due to the fact that it can vary its output by up to 50%.
With this unique energy management system, you will always be able to meet the changing conditions on the energy market quickly and flexibly – even with new future legislative regulations.
That makes the XRGI® incomparably efficient.

We can save energy costs on all facilities that need electricity and heat throughout the year.
From apartment blocks to municipal buildings – an XRGI® supplies electricity and heat to any building with an annual heat requirement of 30,000 to 2,000,000 kWh – economically and eco-friendly. This is possible by operating XRGI® systems in parallel rather than just as single systems, the product range covering 3 to 80 kWel.
Reliable and efficient supply is also guaranteed for buildings connected to a virtual power plant, where several XRGI® systems in different locations are connected to form a network.
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